Monday, April 6, 2015

Kolkata: Through the eyes of a commuter

Kolkata paints a multitude of facets to its landscape—ranging from Howrah to Victoria, rasagolla to hilsa, literature to architecture, ablutions to prayers, bengali sweets to bustling streets. Among all the facets of the cityscape, I find one aspect, singularly interesting—the city's commute.

The everyday routine of commuting on trams and trains,  iconic yellow taxis and pulled human rickshaws, might have ceased to fascinate the vibrant locals but not yet, to a new person in the city.

This is my visual journey, as I transit through the city on taxis, trams and on foot. Kolkata soaked up my senses to the brim with the energy vibes of daybreak and the hustle of twilight. Oftentimes, the conversation between the two of us—the people and Me—was devoid of words. Because we shared, a Smile.
